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GOUVERNMENT OF MADAGSACAR - Supporting the operations of the National Centre for Malaria Control

Project leader

Government of Madagascar

Location Androhibe, Antananarivo
Dates 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Intervention Area Health
Funding 45 000,00 €


In 2009, Monaco’s Official Development Assistance, in partnership with the Madagascar Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO), funded the construction of the National Centre for Malaria Control in Androhibe, Antananarivo.

Malaria continues to be a major public health problem in Madagascar, and a significant cause of mortality, disability and poverty.

In December 2016, a new training room equipped with interpreting booths and audiovisual equipment was officially opened by Monaco’s Official Development Assistance at the Centre.

This project seeks to support the Centre’s operations for two years.

Main objective

Ensure the effective operations of the National Centre for Malaria Control, including the national reference laboratory.

Specific objectives

  • Ensure servicing and maintenance of the Centre’s buildings
  • Ensure servicing and maintenance of the  Centre’s green spaces
  • Provide security for the building and expensive equipment owned by the Centre
  • Enable the organisation of workshops and multisectoral, national and international meetings, and the hosting of internships at the Centre


Direct beneficiaries:

  • All staff in the Malaria Control Department
  • Officials directly assigned to the project

Indirect beneficiaries:

  • Staff at the Ministry of Public Health
  • The partners of the Roll Back Malaria Madagascar Committee
  • The population of Madagascar as a whole, who will enjoy better protection against malaria as a result of improved organisation of prevention activities, and first and foremost the 1 million people suffering from fever/suspected malaria who will benefit from better diagnosis and treatment
