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Participation de Monaco à la session annuelle 2024 du Conseil dadministration du Programme Alimentaire Mondial © DR
17 July 2024 Press release

Monaco participates in annual session of World Food Programme Executive Board

From 24–28 June 2024, the Principality of Monaco took part in the annual session of the Executive Board of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), which opened with the celebration of the International Day of Women in Di...

Read more of Monaco participates in annual session of World Food Programme Executive BoardRead more
Adoption du rapport définitif concernant le 4ème Examen Périodique Universel de Monaco ©DR
12 July 2024 Press release

The United Nations Human Rights Council adopts Monaco’s report following the universal periodic review of the country’s human rights record

On Friday 5 July 2024, H.E. Ms Carole Lanteri, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Principality to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva, attended the 56th session of the Human Rights Council to review the findi...

Read more of The United Nations Human Rights Council adopts Monaco’s report following the universal periodic review of the country’s human rights recordRead more
Signature du partenariat avec lInstitut international de Droit Humanitaire de San Remo - Signature Partenariat IIDHSR ©DR
14 June 2024 News flash

Monaco renews its partnership with the San Remo International Institute of Humanitarian Law

The Prince’s Government, keen to raise awareness and promote the application of international humanitarian law, has renewed its partnership with the San Remo International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Italy.

Read more of Monaco renews its partnership with the San Remo International Institute of Humanitarian LawRead more
24ème réunion OSI © Manuel Vitali / Direction de la Communication
11 June 2024 Press release

The Prince’s Government meets with Monaco’s international solidarity organisations

Led by Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the 24th information and discussion meeting between the Prince’s Government and Monegasque international solidarity organisations (OSI) was held on F...

Read more of The Prince’s Government meets with Monaco’s international solidarity organisationsRead more
77ème Assemblée Mondiale de la Santé - 77ème Assemblée Mondiale de la Santé ©DR
11 June 2024 Press release

Monaco Participates in the 77th World Health Assembly

Delegates from the Principality attended the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA), the supreme decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), in Geneva from 27 May to 1 June 2024. This is the first time Monaco has bee...

Read more of Monaco Participates in the 77th World Health AssemblyRead more

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