Cross-cutting themes
Gender equality
In line with Monaco's commitment to women's rights (adherence to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action), more than 1,250,000 women and girls deprived of their fundamental rights were supported during the period 2018-2020. As part of its 2022-2024 strategy, the Monegasque Cooperation intends to strengthen its efforts in favor of SDG n°5 “Gender equality” by:
- Support for projects targeting women in particular, with the aim of contributing to their empowerment
- The integration of the "gender" dimension in a transversal way in all interventions
Climate co-benefit
Africa produces only 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, yet it is the first continent to suffer the effects of climate change. This constitutes the greatest challenge to come and will underlie all the actions of the Monegasque Cooperation with a view to preserving the most vulnerable people who are the first victims,
Thus, the Monaco Cooperation will ensure that 40% to 50% of its funding concerns projects with a climate co-benefit: resilience of rural populations through sustainable agriculture, food and nutritional security, implementation of alert and strengthening of civil protection capacities, fight against malaria in risk areas in accordance with Rio markers, green jobs and partnership with the private sector.
Finally, the Monaco Cooperation will ensure that all the projects financed do not harm the environment.
Inclusion of people with disabilities
The Principality of Monaco has been a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities since November 17, 2017 and is committed to "promoting, protecting and ensuring the full and equal enjoyment of all human and all fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities and to promote respect for their inherent dignity”.
Thus, attention is paid to ensuring that the social environment that emerges from the funded projects, and not specifically targeting people with disabilities, does not create new barriers and exclusions, and is accessible to people with disabilities. .
The Monaco Cooperation will continue to invest in projects aimed at strengthening the capacities and empowerment of organizations of people with disabilities, inclusive education, social participation, socio-professional integration, early detection and care disabilities, advocacy and awareness-raising, and more generally inclusive projects.
Inclusion of refugees / displaced persons
As the number of uprooted people continues to increase (89,3 million people at the end of 2021), Monaco Cooperation will continue to invest to guarantee access for refugees and displaced people to their fundamental rights: protection, health (including mental health), food and nutrition security, children's education (including preschool), youth employability and access to decent work. This mobilization of the Monegasque Cooperation is in line with the spirit of the Global Compact on safe, orderly and regular migration and the Global Compact on Refugees to which the Principality has been a party since 2018.
Particular attention will also be paid to refugee and displaced women and girls, whose vulnerabilities have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 health crisis.
Finally, projects run by the refugees themselves for their peers and/or host communities will be encouraged.
At the same time, the Monegasque Cooperation will continue its advocacy and awareness-raising actions on the rights of refugees and displaced persons internationally and among its population and young people.