International Volunteers
As part of its international development policy, the Prince’s Government created the International Volunteers of Monaco (VIMs) in 2007.
This programme is aimed at young people aged between 21 and 35, with a higher or technical education qualification and at least one year’s professional experience (internship, mission or job).
It addresses two objectives:
- It offers young adults an opportunity to gain humanitarian experience in a well-supervised environment
- It helps to strengthen field work in cooperation with local partners
Each year, a dozen or so VIMs take part in projects supported by the Department of International Cooperation in response to a precise need expressed by partners.
This is a long-term volunteer programme lasting one year, which is renewable up to a maximum of three years.
Monaco has already sent around 70 volunteers on missions.
Be or become International Volunteers of Monaco (VIM)

Volontariat international : Tout savoir sur les VIM

Le programme de Volontaire international célèbre ses 10 ans

Les Volontaires internationaux de Monaco

Découvrez les Volontaires internationaux de Monaco

Laetitia, volontaire internationale pour la Croix-Rouge Monégasque