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Alliance Française 3.0 - South Africa, Mauritania, Madagascar, Senegal

Project leader
Location Afrique
Dates 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Intervention Area Education & child protection
Funding 308 700,00 €


The Fondation Alliance Française coordinates the network of Alliance Française organisations, whose initial role (dissemination and promotion of the French language, Francophone culture and the cultures of host countries) is evolving to focus on training young people and helping them to integrate into the workforce. To this end, the organisations now strive to facilitate access for young people to the digital world and related careers. It is estimated that in 20 years’ time, 65% of jobs will be in fields, which do not currently exist, primarily those related to information and communications technology.

The current project involves four of the priority countries for Monaco’s Official Development Assistance: South Africa, Mauritania, Madagascar and Senegal, in which the Alliance Française already operates. The network’s ambition is to refresh ways of learning, with a particular focus on those without access to school or training, in order to make the process of acquiring skills more effective and improve young people’s employability.

The project therefore comprises two aspects: i) Improving fluency in French, which goes hand in hand with social and occupational integration (diploma courses), ii) Learning digital skills through training (learning how to code), making available innovative techniques and equipment (digital libraries).

Overall objective

To facilitate the access of disadvantaged populations to knowledge and culture, and to reduce the digital divide in South Africa, Mauritania, Madagascar and Senegal.


  • Members of Alliance Française organisations: 50,000 in Madagascar, 1,500 students per month in Mauritania, 300 people in South Africa, 60 girls not attending school in Senegal
  • Staff at 39 Alliance Française organisations: The Alliance Française organisations in Soweto and Mitchell’s Plain (South Africa), 29 Alliance Française organisations in Madagascar, 5 Alliance Française organisations in Mauritania, and the Kaolack and Ziguinchor Alliance Française organisations in Senegal
  • Alliance Française teachers: 840 teachers in Madagascar, 200 in Mauritania

Specific objectives 

  • To improve the French-language skills of pupils at the Alliance Française organisations concerned
  • To set up digital libraries in the Alliance Française organisations
  • To create communities of Voyageurs du Code (Code Travellers) in the four countries concerned
  • To help girls not attending school in Senegal to reintegrate into the learning process

Actualités du projet Alliance Française 3.0 - South Africa, Mauritania, Madagascar, Senegal

AF 3.0 renouvellement - © Camille LEFEBVRE
10 March 2020 Press release

Partnership renewed between Monaco and the Fondation Alliance Française

Moramanga (Madagascar), 5th March 2020. The Government of the Principality of Monaco and the Fondation Alliance Française have announced the renewal of their partnership agreement to implement the Alliance 3.0 project.

Read more of Partnership renewed between Monaco and the Fondation Alliance FrançaiseRead more
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Photos & vidéos du projet Alliance Française 3.0 - South Africa, Mauritania, Madagascar, Senegal

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