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Lebanon - Improving access to health care for the most disadvantaged palestinian refugees

Project leader

Office de secours et de travaux des Nations unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine dans le Proche-Orient (UNRWA)

Location Liban
Dates 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Intervention Area Health
Funding 300 000,00 €
Organisation internationale UNRWA


Lebanon is host to 452,669 refugees, registered by UNRWA*, more than 50% of whom live in 12 Palestinian refugee camps. They face employment restrictions, and work permits are very expensive, resulting in prolonged financial dependence. They are also ineligible for State social benefits, including health care, and are faced with recurrent episodes of violence. Access to health care for Palestinian refugees is provided only by the expensive private sector or by international organisations, including UNRWA.

In Lebanon, UNRWA has entered into an arrangement with Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) hospitals to ensure equitable access to secondary health care for Palestinian refugees. Thus, UNRWA covers 90% of hospitalisation costs for secondary care provided by public or private hospitals and 100% in PRCS hospitals. In all other areas, a reimbursement system is in place for secondary and tertiary care.

In June 2016, the Agency therefore launched a supplementary fund to cover the secondary hospitalisation costs of the most vulnerable refugees, as a complement to the "CARE Aide pour les situations médicales désastreuse" (CARE - Catastrophic Ailment Relief programme) programme. This is the Medical Hardship Fund (MHF).

* United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Project owner

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Overall objective 

To ensure the good health of and reduce the financial burden of medical care for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Specific objectives 

  • Improve access to treatment for patients in a disastrous medical situation
  • Improve access to secondary hospital care for impoverished patients
  • Reduce the financial burden borne by patients in need or in a disastrous medical situation


Direct beneficiaries:
1,050 direct beneficiaries

Indirect beneficiaries:
24,500 indirect beneficiaries


Anticipated outcomes

  • Coverage and access to secondary care are increased
  • Coverage and access to tertiary care are increased
  • Financial support is given to impoverished patients or those in a catastrophic medical situation
