Homepage > Priorities > Mapping of current projects > North Africa and the Mediterranean > Lebanon > MELIBAN – Improve infant and maternal health in Beqaa Valley

MELIBAN – Improve infant and maternal health in Beqaa Valley

Project leader

Fondation Mérieux

Location Liban, Plaine de la Bekaa, région Baalbeck-Hermel
Dates 28/09/2017 28/09/2019
Intervention Area Health
Funding 380 000,00 €


Lebanon is currently facing an unprecedented crisis due to a massive influx of refugees, the majority of them Syrians fleeing the war, which has shaken their country since 2011. In December 2015, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) counted more than 1.8 million refugees, more than a quarter of the Lebanese population. The sanitary conditions endured by these refugees are a particular cause for concern. The Beqaa Valley (in the north-east of the country) has been especially hard hit by the crisis. Most refugees are living in tents and makeshift shelters, and do not have access to water, basic hygiene or health care.

The project involves responding to these urgent health needs by building a medical and social centre. Since women and children are the primary victims of this situation, the centre and the care and support it will offer will be particularly tailored to their needs, including obstetric and paediatric consultations.

In the case of services not provided by the centre, beneficiaries will still receive support and be referred to appropriate health, social and educational facilities in the region. Everyday hygiene and health practices will also be improved.

This project falls under SDG 3: "Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages", and SDG 5: "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls".

Project owner

Fondation Mérieux.

Overall objective

Improve maternal and child health among vulnerable populations in the Beqaa Valley (in the north-east of the country).

Specific objectives

  • Increase the availability of care for vulnerable populations by building a health centre in the Beqaa Valley
  • Improve health monitoring of women and children by providing general, gynaecological, obstetric and paediatric health care at the centre and by submitting data to Ministry of Public Health of Lebanon
  • Support refugees by offering guidance on health and social issues and referral to appropriate facilities
  • Improve efforts to prevent health risks among vulnerable populations by delivering health education sessions


Direct beneficiaries

4,650 people (women and children benefitting from consultations, care and health education sessions).

Indirect beneficiaries

18,000 people (families of direct beneficiaries and local entrepreneurs and their families who will be involved in building the medical and social centre).

Anticipated outcomes

  • A medical and social centre is built and equipped in the Baalbek-Hermel region
  • The human resources required to manage and operate the centre are identified and mobilised
  • Women and children have access to good medical care through the centre
  • Refugees are referred to appropriate health and social facilities
  • The priority themes for health education are identified and staff trained
  • Families are attending health education sessions at the centre
  • The Ministry of Public Health of Lebanon has access to health data collected at the centre
