Homepage > Priorities > Mapping of current projects > North Africa and the Mediterranean > Morocco > Morocco - The Socio-Economic Integration of People with Disabilities (PWD)

Morocco - The Socio-Economic Integration of People with Disabilities (PWD)

Project leader

Association Enfance Handicapée (AEH)

Location Maroc
Dates 01/01/2018 31/12/2020
Intervention Area Access to decent work
Funding 200 000,00 €


In Morocco, the National Disability Prevalence Rate is 6.8%, according to the 2014 National Disability Survey. 51.3% of People with Disabilities (PWD) are of working age, 2/3 of whom are unemployed.

Despite measures put in place by the Moroccan State to encourage their access to employment (access to the civil service, financing of Income-Generating Activities – IGAs,- etc.), the expected results are not being achieved, due to several barriers:

  • Rapid changes in the labour market (mobility and increasing adaptation of skills)
  • Inequalities in access to education and training, which result in a lack of education and qualifications
  • Lack of confidence and self-esteem among individuals with disabilities and lack of family support
  • Negative attitudes and perceptions among employers
  • Lack of accessibility
  • Lack of supervision and support mechanisms for PWD during their integration


The aim of this project is to remove some of these barriers by helping PWD gain access to the various financing mechanisms for IGAs, strengthen their capacity and socio-economic support, and also help set up centres of assistance through work, a mechanism that is not well developed in Morocco.

This project contributes to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular No. 8 "Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all" and No.10 "Reduced inequalities".

Finally, the Principality of Monaco and the Kingdom of Morocco are parties to and have ratified the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Project owner 

Moroccan charity Association "Enfance Handicapée" (AEH).

Overall objective

Help improve the access of PWD to socio-economic participation as citizens involved in the inclusive development of their communities in the regions of Souss-Massa and Rabat Salé-Kenitra.

Specific objectives

  • Change the way in which the economic participation of PWD is perceived
  • Develop and support the economic participation of PWD
  • Strengthen the involvement of Disabled People's Organisations (DPOs) by promoting the right of people with disabilities to economic participation


Direct beneficiaries :

  • 100 PWD who are project leaders in the Souss Massa area, 80 of whom are supported via personalised professional projects and 30 PWD who are project leaders in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra area, 20 of whom are supported via personalised professional projects
  • 50 disabled young people with mental disabilities, who are currently beneficiaries of the specialised AEH (European Action of Disabled) centres incorporated in the Centres of Aid through Work (CAW)
  • 20 Disabled People's Organisations (DPOs) in both areas


Indirect beneficiaries:

  • Families of the PWD

Anticipated outcomes

  • The players, PWD and families are made aware of the importance of economic participation in the regions of Souss-Massa and Rabat-Salé-Kenitra
  • The vocational integration schemes in the regions of Souss-Massa and Rabat-Salé-Kenitra contribute to the economic participation of PWD
  • The institutional players concerned at the national level are involved in the issue of the economic participation of PWD, thanks to the advocacy activities undertaken by the DPOs
