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Support for development of new asylum policy, for protection and social integration of refugees in Morocco

Project leader


Location Rabat
Dates 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Intervention Area Access to decent work
Funding 450 000,00 €


Due to its strategic position and following a deterioration in political stability and the socio-economic situation of several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab world, Morocco has, by default, become a transit and even settlement country for numerous asylum seekers and economic migrants headed towards the countries of the European Union.

The number of refugees in Morocco is increasing significantly: up 7% between January and December 2016, after an increase of 200% in 2015.

In September 2013, King Mohammed VI reaffirmed his country’s desire to fulfil all of its commitments under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and to become a genuine country of asylum. Since then, the UNHCR and national authorities have been working in close collaboration to develop a new legal and institutional framework for asylum.

Cooperation between the Prince’s Government and the UNHCR Representation in Rabat dates back to 2011 when an initial three-year partnership was concluded, followed by a second for the period 2014–2016. The new partnership for 2017–2019 is a continuation of the preceding agreements. It will strengthen UNHCR’s capacity to support the Moroccan authorities in the implementation of a national asylum strategy and to maintain and develop its programme to integrate refugees.

Project owner

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Overall objective 

To facilitate the protection and integration of refugees in Morocco as a country capable of offering asylum to those in need of international protection.


  • Refugees recognised by the UNHCR in Morocco: 4597 people as of 1 December 2016
  • Institutional and civil society stakeholders involved in Morocco’s new national asylum policy

Specific objectives 

1. To build national capacities on asylum issues, particularly in areas associated with human trafficking
2. To help the refugee population to become self-sufficient and integrate into society and the employment market, primarily through professional training, development and strengthening of income-generating activities, and support with job seeking
3. To meet the basic needs of groups of refugees and asylum seekers with specific vulnerabilities

