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Empowering and increasing the employability of refugees in Tunisia

Project leader


Location Tunisie
Dates 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Intervention Area Access to decent work
Funding 240 000,00 €


As a result of its geographical position (a Mediterranean country bordering Libya), Tunisia is at the crossroads of significant migration flows. The country reacted to the crisis in Libya by opening its borders to all nationalities and organising an aid operation, which has been strengthened and supported by UNHCR in particular. Since then, in June 2011 the Tunisian Government signed a cooperation agreement with UNHCR, which has a representation in Tunis. Nearly a million Libyans have been welcomed to Tunisia and, as of the end of 2016, 701 Syrian and non-Syrian refugees had been registered with UNHCR Tunisia.

The proposed project sits within the context of efforts by the Tunisian authorities and their international partners, such as UNHCR. It involves giving refugees the means of subsistence which, in addition to a formal legal status that is on the way, will enable them to remain in Tunisia. It will also strengthen the commitment of Monaco’s Official Development Assistance Authorities to helping refugees and promoting their socioeconomic integration, begun in Morocco in 2011 with a partnership with the UNHCR Representation in Rabat, now entering its third phase (2017 – 2019).

Project owner 

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Representation in Tunisia.

Overall objective 

To secure the presence and status of refugees in Tunisia through a variety of empowerment programmes, such as income generating activities and improving employability.


All refugees, Syrian and non-Syrian, of working age, registered with UNHCR and resident within Tunisia.
In 2017, the aim of the project is to provide employment opportunities to 80 new refugees.

Specific objectives 

1. To improve the employability of refugees
2. To promote salaried employment
3. To promote the creation of micro-enterprises

