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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation teams up with French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to support young people in Mediterranean region

Mr Laurent Anselmi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and H.E. Mr Laurent Stefanini, the French Ambassador to Monaco, signed a partnership agreement supporting an initiative for young people in the Mediterranean region on Thursday 28 November.

H.E. Mr Laurent Stefanini, France’s Ambassador to Monaco and Mr Laurent Anselmi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation © Government Communication Department / Manuel Vitali

In the wake of the Summit of the Two Shores, Mediterranean Forum, held in Marseille on 23 June, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs – through its Interdepartmental Mediterranean Office and Office for Relations with Civil Society and Partnerships – and Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation are launching an appeal for joint projects supporting civil society in the Mediterranean.

The aim of this call for projects is to create consortia of NGOs on the north and south shores of the Mediterranean that will benefit young people in five countries: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia. Themes will focus on training, mobility, youth integration and the social and solidarity economy.

“This joint initiative once again proves that our relationship with our French neighbour is based on excellence and dynamism. That it can, moreover, be of benefit to young people in the Mediterranean, a region which is so important to us, through involving civil society, is a source of great satisfaction – all the more so because it is an initiative which aligns with the priorities of Monaco’s Official Development Assistance,” said Mr Anselmi.

Monaco and France work together on cooperation for development in Africa and the Mediterranean through a regular dialogue and co-funding of projects, including with the Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency), under a partnership agreement signed in 2010.

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