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Visit by Monaco Fire and Emergency Service to Mauritania

As part of the partnership initiated with Mauritania in 1996 in the field of civil protection, Monaco Fire and Emergency Service and the Department of International Cooperation visited Nouakchott from 23 to 25 October 2017, on a visit for discussions and training.

During this visit, Colonel Tony Varo, Chief of Monaco Fire and Emergency Service, officially handed over vehicles and equipment to the Mauritanian Civil Protection Directorate (DGPC) on behalf of the Prince's Government.

Audience with Mr. Ould Abdalla, Minister of the Interior and Decentralization. 

From left to right: Mr. Kamara, Honorary Consul of the Principality of Monaco, Lieutenant-Colonel Cissoko, Acting Director of the DGPC, Mr. Ould Abdalla, Minister of the Interior and Decentralization, Colonel Varo, Chief of Monaco Fire and Emergency Service and Mr. Nicaise, Programme Officer at the Department of International Cooperation © DCI 

The Monegasque delegation also visited the barracks in Riadh, Toujounine and Tevragh-Zeina, which are financed by the Principality of Monaco.  As part of its rescue activities at sea, the Mauritanian fire brigade received training in the use and operation of a lifeboat provided by the Principality.  The training was given by Chief Warrant Officer Alain Sacany.

The first meeting of the bilateral Technical Commission of the Sectoral Agreement, signed in 2016 between the two countries, was held in the presence of the Mauritanian authorities and the Monegasque delegation, accompanied by Mr. Kamara, Honorary Consul of the Principality of Monaco.  The aim of this meeting was two-fold:  on one hand, to take stock of current projects, and on the other, to identify future directions for the partnership.

Finally, an assessment of this visit was made with Mr. Ahmedou Ould Abdalla, Minister of the Interior and Decentralization and Mr. Baba Ould Boumeiss, Secretary General of the same Ministry.

As a reminder, civil protection is a key programme of Monaco's Official Development Assistance. Since 2004, in addition to numerous donations of equipment and materials, more than EUR 1,330,000 has been allocated to build the capacity of Mauritanian forces with regard to civil protection and reducing disaster risks.

*Directorate General of Civil Protection, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization.

Official handover of vehicles and equipment by Colonel Varo, Chief of Monaco Fire and Emergency Service to Lieutenant-Colonel Cissoko, Acting Director of the DGPC ©DCI

