Project leader
Location Mali
Dates 01/04/2017 30/04/2020
Intervention Area Health
Funding 315 000,00 €


With financial support from the Department of International Cooperation, the Fondation Mérieux set up an initial collaboration with the NGO Santé Sud, the "Association des Médecins de Campagne" (Association of Rural Doctors), the Charles Mérieux Infectology Centre of Mali, and the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene of Mali to implement the LABOMEDCAMP 1 project from 2011 to 2014. This project improved the quality of biological diagnosis and thus the healthcare offered to local people, thanks to the establishment of ten new rural laboratories in ten community health centres in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro and Ségou.

The continuation of the LABOMEDCAMP project will help to support the healthcare system in Mali by strengthening community health centres and building their capacity to operate as closely as possible to the population, improving the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The ultimate goal is to improve people’s health, particularly that of mothers and children. More specifically, the project will enable the operations of the functional laboratories set up in phase 1 to be sustained, and allow the initiative to be expanded to eight new ones, including two in new regions (Sikasso and Mopti).

Overall objective

Improve medical treatment for rural populations, particularly mothers and children, through high-quality biological diagnosis and monitoring carried out by first-line laboratories.


Direct beneficiaries:
34 health care professionals trained as part of the project.

Indirect beneficiaries:
Inhabitants of health districts covered by the project: between 10,000 and 28,000 people per health district, amounting to approximately 200,000 people across the 17 sites involved, with a particular focus on mothers and children.
