
Current Projects

Project Duration Funding

Food security

PAM - Appui à la résilience et à la sécurité alimentaire des populations vulnérables au Mali, phase II 2022 - 2024 300 000,00 €
AMASSA AFRIQUE VERTE - Projet d’appui à l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, et le renforcement de la cohésion sociale dans... 2022 - 2024 300 000,00 €


LABOMEDCAMP 2 2017 - 2020 315 000,00 €
SYNERGIE ACTION SANTE MALI - Renforcer l’implication des communautés dans la lutte contre les mortalités maternelle, néonatale, infantile et infant... 2023 - 2026 270 000,00 €
BIOMED-RT - Optimisation de la Chimioprévention du Paludisme Saisonnier avec un 5ème passage 2024 - 2027 300 000,00 €

Education & child protection

ASF - Projet d'appui à la consolidation du centre de scolarisation des filles des familles démunies "Jigiya Bon" 2021 - 2024 150 000,00 €
TERRE DES HOMMES - Appui à la réinsertion des enfants en contact avec la loi à travers la promotion et l’application des mesures non privatives de... 2022 - 2024 280 000,00 €
WORLD VISION MALI - Amélioration de l'éducation inclusive et de qualité pour les enfants vulnérables dans la région de Koutiala 2023 - 2026 300 000,00 €
APDEEM - Prévention des abandons par un meilleur accès des jeunes, en particulier les adolescentes, aux services de santé et aux droits sexuels et... 2024 - 2027 187 500,00 €

Access to decent work

Mali - Supporting economic empowerment for women in rural areas against a background of food insecurity and climate change 2016 - 2018 240 000,00 €
Strengthen care and mobilise support for children and young people living on the streets 2017 - 2019 200 000,00 €
Support for professional agricultural organisations (PAOs) trained by Caritas Bamako 2017 - 2018 50 000,00 €
Mali - Strengthening local civil society organisations to better prevent the loss of parental care and promote children's rights 2017 - 2020 250 000,00 €
ECOLE HÔTELIÈRE CHIAKA SIDIBE - Bourses de formation professionnelle en hôtellerie pour jeunes défavorisés au Mali 2022 - 2024 54 000,00 €
AJA MALI - Formation professionnelle et d’accompagnement à l’entreprenariat de 200 jeunes à Ségou, phase II 2023 - 2026 300 000,00 €
INVESTISSEURS & PARTENAIRES CONSEIL - WANGARI - Accélération de Petites et Moyennes Entreprises et start-ups portées par des femmes 2023 - 2026 300 000,00 €
AGRI VISION SAHEL - Projet Entrepreneuriat Agricole des Jeunes - Phase 3 (PEAJ 3) 2024 - 2027 300 000,00 €
Total 4 096 500,00 €


LA au Mali - Visiting SOS Villages d'Enfants Mali. ©Hamdia Traoré
19 February 2020 Press release

Visit to Mali by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

From 12 to 14 February 2020, a Monegasque delegation,* led by Laurent Anselmi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, visited Mali to hold talks with the Malian authorities and meet the partners of Monaco's Official Devel...

Read more of Visit to Mali by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and CooperationRead more
Partenariat LTHM - ©Direction de la Communication / Stéphane Danna
23 September 2019 News flash

Mali-Monaco Hotel Sector Partnership

From 9 to 17 September, the Director of the Chiaka Sidibé Hotel School in Bamako, Mr Khoudja, and a teacher, Ms Sow, received immersion training at Monaco's Vocational and Catering School (Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco).

Read more of Mali-Monaco Hotel Sector PartnershipRead more
2nd bilateral commission Mali - Signature of a memorandum of understanding on civil protection between Mr Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and H.E. Ms Kamissa Camara, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.© Government Communication Department/Stéphane Danna
18 March 2019 Press release

Bilateral Commission for Cooperation between Mali and Monaco

As part of efforts to strengthen friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Mali and the Principality of Monaco, the second Mali–Monaco Bilateral Commission for Cooperation was held on 15 March 2019 in Monaco. During th...

Read more of Bilateral Commission for Cooperation between Mali and MonacoRead more
Mali pause 1ère pierre - Gilles Tonelli lays the foundation stone for the cardiac catheterisation unit in Mali, in the presence of the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene and François Bourlon, a paediatric cardiologist at the Monaco Cardiothoracic Centre and Vice President of SHARE © DAOU B. Emmanuel
13 April 2017 News flash

First cardiac catheterisation laboratory in Mali: launch of construction

On Friday 7 April, Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dr Marie-Madeleine Togo, Malian Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, and Dr François Bourlon, Vice President of the Monegasque organisation SHARE...

Read more of First cardiac catheterisation laboratory in Mali: launch of constructionRead more
VT Mali - Renouvellement du partenariat avec le Samusocial International en faveur des jeunes en situation de rue à Bamako ©DCI
10 April 2017 Press release

Working visit by Gilles Tonelli to Mali

From 4 to 7 April 2017, a Monegasque delegation*, led by Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, made a working visit to Mali to hold discussions with the Malian authorities and meet partners of Monaco's Of...

Read more of Working visit by Gilles Tonelli to MaliRead more
Signature création salle de cathétérisme - Signature of the Cooperation Agreement between SHARE, the Prince's Government, AMADE Monaco and Eco System in the presence of the Monegasque Red Cross, Children & Future, the Niarchos Foundation and Malian cardiologists trained by SHARE. ©Government Communication Department/Charly Gallo
15 March 2017 Press release

Creation of a cardiac catheterisation room in Mali

The Monegasque association SHARE, the Prince's Government, AMADE Monaco and the Eco System company signed a partnership agreement on Wednesday 15 March to set up a cardiac catheterisation unit at the Mother-Child Hospital in Ba...

Read more of Creation of a cardiac catheterisation room in MaliRead more
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