Homepage > Priorities > Mapping of current projects > West Africa > Mali > Strengthen care and mobilise support for children and young people living on the streets

Strengthen care and mobilise support for children and young people living on the streets

Project leader

Samusocial International

Location Bamako
Dates 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Intervention Area Access to decent work
Funding 200 000,00 €


In Mali, one of the least advanced countries in the world, the precariousness of the population's living conditions predisposes children to becoming vulnerable, especially if they are victims of harmful practices and ignorance of children's rights. The crisis in Mali in 2012, linked to the conflict in the north, increased the precariousness of this population. Although Samusocial Mali has been working with this population since 2001, it has seen an increase in the number of children and young people living on the streets in Bamako; the number of people benefitting from its help has increased each year, from 483 in 2011 to 1,105 in 2015.

In July 2014, following a long process with players involved in child protection, including Samusocial Mali, the Government of Mali adopted a national policy for the protection and promotion of children, along with a five-year action plan for 2014-2018. Within this framework, Samusocial International and Samusocial Mali are proposing this project for the benefit of children and young people living on the streets, from broken homes and in a situation of social disruption, with the aim of helping to improve the overall situation of one of the most vulnerable categories by addressing all aspects of this issue: direct help (from the street to social integration), strengthening the sector, and involving stakeholders.

This project follows a first phase, supported by the Government of Monaco, from 2013 to 2016.

Project owner

Samusocial International

Overall objective 

Help improve the overall situation of one of the most vulnerable groups, i.e. children and young people living on the streets of Bamako, with the ultimate aim of cooperation to achieve more equitable human and social development.

Specific objectives 

  • Ensure comprehensive, continuous and professional care that is adapted to the needs of the children and young people living in the streets in Bamako
  • Strengthen the involvement and synergy of players in combating the exclusion of children and young people living in the streets in Mali


  • Children and young people living in the streets in Bamako, mostly boys, but also young girls and mothers
  • Approximately 2,000 children/young people will benefit directly from the project (medical and psychosocial care and support based on individual situations and opportunities to take part in family-based, school-based, socio-professional and economic reintegration projects) 
