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Mali - Supporting economic empowerment for women in rural areas against a background of food insecurity and climate change

Project leader

Food and Agriculture Organisation

Location Mopti
Dates 01/01/2016 31/12/2018
Intervention Area Access to decent work
Funding 240 000,00 €
Organisation internationale FAO


In Mali, rural women are a significant labour force for agricultural production and contribute to their families’ incomes through farming and farming-related activities. Unfortunately, in northern parts of the country, women are less involved than men in agricultural work. Moreover, the impact of the 2012 security crisis has increased the vulnerability of rural populations, and particularly women. The conflict, food crisis, and deterioration in socio-economic and health conditions have exacerbated the decline in the nutritional status of the population.

In addition to being an economic imperative, gender equality is above all a basic human right, which is widely recognised and which remains essential for the achievement of the FAO’s objectives.
FAO’s gender equality policy "aims for equality between men and women in sustainable food production and rural development, for the elimination of hunger and poverty". In order to achieve this, the FAO promotes women’s access to and control of production resources for agricultural development.

It is in this context that the FAO, in its Mali Country Programming Framework (CPF 2013–2017), has retained as one of its priorities strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations to food insecurity and conflict. A particular focus has been placed on women in this regard. As part of this project, support will be provided to 10 vulnerable communes in the Mopti region to improve food security, benefitting 1,000 women. This support will complete and consolidate the activities already implemented by the FAO in these communes. It will also develop synergy with other partner activities in the area of intervention.

The project contributes to the efforts of the Government of Mali through the Ministry for the Promotion of Women, Children and Families to improve living standards for rural women.

Project owner

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation).

Overall objective 

To strengthen the resilience and food security of 1,000 rural women working together in market gardens in the Mopti region (Mopti and Douentza cercles).

Specific objectives 

The availability, access and use of market garden and livestock products improve food security for women in the region.


Direct beneficiaries:
1,000 women in the areas surrounding market gardens (200 women per garden).

Indirect beneficiaries:
7,000 people living in the villages where the market gardens are located.

