
Current Projects

Project Duration Funding

Food security

EDM - Amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire au Sahel par la formation et le financement des petits producteurs agricoles dans la production, la t... 2021 - 2023 300 000,00 €
PAM Sénégal - Mise en place de cantines scolaires modèles 2021 - 2023 300 000,00 €
APESS - Amélioration des Moyens d’Existence et Intensification des Actions en faveur de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle des familles d’él... 2024 - 2025 200 000,00 €
CARITAS KOLDA - Projet de Promotion de l'Agro écologie pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (PASAN) 2024 - 2024 300 000,00 €


Improving maternal, neonatal and infant and child health in the Kolda region 2017 - 2019 300 000,00 €
Ordre de Malte - Programme d'amélioration de l’offre de santé ortho-pédiatrique dans le réseau hospitalier sénégalais pour les enfants les plus vul... 2022 - 2024 300 000,00 €
FONDATION MERIEUX - Projet pilote : Développement d’un pôle mère-enfant dans le centre de santé de Thiadiaye 2023 - 2026 300 000,00 €
MSAS – Renforcement de la prise en charge de la drépanocytose au Sénégal 2023 - 2026 300 000,00 €

Education & child protection

CENTRE BIOFORCE AFRIQUE - Renforcement des capacités des individus et des organisations humanitaires en Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale 2021 - 2023 360 000,00 €
ALVES - Promouvoir l’éducation, l’accès à l’emploi et l’entreprenariat pour prévenir et lutter contre l’exclusion sociale (P3E) 2021 - 2024 116 000,00 €
VILLAGE PILOTE - Prise en charge et réinsertion sociale et professionnelle des Enfants et jeunes majeur(e)s en rupture en Afrique de l’Ouest 2023 - 2026 300 000,00 €

Access to decent work

Senegal - Access to services and structuring of dairy farmers in the departments of Dagana and Podor - Phase 2 2015 - 2019 400 000,00 €
Sustainable development of oyster and shellfish farming and beekeeping in the Saloum Delta 2018 - 2020 240 000,00 €
Total 3 716 000,00 €


Bioforce grant holders  - ©BIOFORCE
24 August 2021 News flash

Bioforce Africa: graduation for Bénédicte Schutz grant holders

As part of the support provided to the Bioforce Training Centre Africa, the Monegasque Cooperation was delighted to see the Bénédicte Schutz grant holders graduate at the beginning of July.

Read more of Bioforce Africa: graduation for Bénédicte Schutz grant holdersRead more
Senegal: Audience with the Senegalese Minister of Health and Social Action  - ©Ministère sénégalais de la Santé et de l'Action Sociale
06 August 2021 News flash

Senegal: Audience with the Senegalese Minister of Health and Social Action with a view to renewing the Framework Cooperation Agreement in the field of health

Mr Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, Senegal’s Minister of Health and Social Action, received a Monegasque delegation* in audience on 6th July 2021 to discuss areas of cooperation regarding health between the Government of the Principality...

Read more of Senegal: Audience with the Senegalese Minister of Health and Social Action Read more
Signature Monaco-HCR-Bioforce - De gauche à droite : Gilles Collard, Laurent Anselmi et Paolo Artini ©Direction de la Communication- Manuel Vitali 
22 June 2021 Press release

Monaco, the UNHCR and Bioforce offer Training for Refugees in Humanitarian Work

On Tuesday 22 June 2021, Mr. Laurent Anselmi, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mr.Paolo Artini, Representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in France and Monaco, and Mr....

Read more of Monaco, the UNHCR and Bioforce offer Training for Refugees in Humanitarian WorkRead more
Inauguration CHOM Dakar
04 December 2020 News flash

Senegal: opening of the Jean-Alfred Diallo Area at CHOM in Dakar

The Jean-Alfred Diallo Area at the Centre Hospitalier de l’Ordre de Malte (CHOM) (Order of Malta Hospital) in Dakar (Senegal), managed by the Order of Malta France, was officially opened on Tuesday 1st December. This extension...

Read more of Senegal: opening of the Jean-Alfred Diallo Area at CHOM in DakarRead more
Logo coopé italienne
20 February 2020 News flash

The Monegasque Cooperation alongside Italy for inclusive education in Senegal

As part of the Framework Cooperation Agreement signed between Monaco and Italy on 31st March 2015, the Monegasque Cooperation is supporting the call for projects “PERSEI – Pour un système éducatif inclusif” (For an inclusive ed...

Read more of The Monegasque Cooperation alongside Italy for inclusive education in SenegalRead more
Femmes du Saloum 6 - © S.DARASSE
08 March 2019 News flash

International Women’s Day - 8th March 2019

International Women’s Day - 8th March 2019: the Government of Monaco, through its Office of International Cooperation, supports various development assistance projects for the benefit of women and girls.

Read more of International Women’s Day - 8th March 2019Read more
CHPG Sénégal - Dr. Jacques Raiga,* Deputy Head of the CHPG's Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Pikine National Hospital Medical staff ©DR
22 September 2017 Press release

The CHPG on Mission in Senegal

As part of the hospital partnership between the Princess Grace Hospital (CHPG) and the Department of International Cooperation of Monaco, a medical team travelled to Senegal this summer for a local health mission.The team, led...

Read more of The CHPG on Mission in SenegalRead more
09 May 2017 News flash

Partnership between the Government of the Principality of Monaco and Amref Flying Doctors to improve infant and maternal health in Senegal

On 8 May 2017, Ms Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Government of the Principality of Monaco, and Dr Sylla Thiam, Regional Director, Amref Health Africa in West Af...

Read more of Partnership between the Government of the Principality of Monaco and Amref Flying Doctors to improve infant and maternal health in SenegalRead more
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