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Fourth session of the Bilateral Cooperation Commission between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Tunisia

As part of the strengthening of relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Tunisia, the fourth Bilateral Cooperation Commission was held in Monaco on 22 February 2024.

4ème session de la Commission bilatérale de Coopération entre la Principauté de Monaco et la République tunisienne ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

As part of the strengthening of relations between the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of Tunisia, the fourth Bilateral Cooperation Commission was held in Monaco on 22 February 2024.

The Monegasque delegation* was led by Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

The Tunisian delegation** was led by H.E. Mr Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad.

At the start of the Commission, the two head delegates praised the excellence and exemplary nature of the relations and cooperation between the two states and welcomed the positive results of the cooperation initiatives carried out since 1993. They went on to emphasise their shared wish to work towards maintaining and strengthening the existing ties and cooperation between the people of Tunisia and Monaco.

In her opening speech, Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadeï spoke about the Principality's and the Sovereign Prince's attachment to the Mediterranean, "our common home and our true link". She outlined the progress in cooperation between the two countries since the signing of the Framework Agreement in 2008. The Monegasque Cooperation's action in Tunisia now focuses on three priority areas: health, education/child protection, and access to employment. In line with Tunisia's national priorities, the Cooperation is particularly focused on the fight against early school leaving, access to employment and entrepreneurship for women and young people. Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadeï stated: "The young people of the Mediterranean, on all shores, must be able to find their place and build a future for themselves.  I am delighted that our cooperation with Tunisia is centred around the youth".

During his speech, the head of the Tunisian delegation, His Excellency Nabil Ammar, spoke of Tunisia's attachment to the Mediterranean region, the cradle of civilisation and a privileged place for cultural and human exchanges between the two shores of the Mediterranean. He pointed out that relations and cooperation between Tunisia and the Principality of Monaco have always been based on friendship and partnership, and that Tunisia remains a major and promising partner in the Central Mediterranean, with enormous potential and several comparative advantages, particularly in terms of the quality of its human resources. 

Mr Nabil Ammar also stressed that "combating the effects of climate change and boosting the employability of the population, particularly young people, are all factors for economic growth and stability on which we need to focus".

In the course of the Commission's work, the two delegations agreed to explore ways of working together to achieve their respective national climate objectives under the mechanisms set out in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. With regard to tax cooperation, they agreed to open negotiations on a double taxation agreement.

The two parties also discussed prospects for cooperation in the fields of youth, sport, culture, and agriculture.

The atmosphere was friendly and trusting throughout the Bilateral Cooperation Commission.

To conclude the discussions, the two parties signed a sectoral framework agreement on vocational training, the key to employment opportunities for young people.

The visit was rounded off by a luncheon for the two delegations, hosted by the Minister of State, Pierre Dartout, at his residence.


The Bilateral Cooperation between the two countries began in 1993. It was strengthened in 2008 by the signing of a Framework Cooperation Agreement during the first meeting of the Bilateral Commission for Cooperation between the two countries, and then, in 2017 in Tunisia, by the signing of a Sectoral Framework Agreement in the social field, during the third meeting of the Bilateral Commission between the two countries.

*The Monegasque delegation comprised:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

  • Ms Isabelle Berro- Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,
  • Ms Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
  • Ms Selima Bensaid Lakhoua, General Consul of the Principality of Monaco in Tunisia
  • Mr Wilfrid Deri, Project Leader, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
  • Mr Julien Siri, Head of Division, Department of International Cooperation, Head of Tunisia Programmes

**The Tunisian delegation comprised:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad

  • H.E. Mr Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad
  • Mr Mehdi Ferchichi, Director General for Relations with the European Union
  • Mr Lotfi Baalouchi, General Consul of Tunisia in Nice
  • Director of the Directorate General for Bilateral Relations with European Countries
  • Ms Ines Khedhri, Deputy Director of the Directorate General for Bilateral Relations with European Countries
  • Mr Mohamed Mehrez, Member of the Minister's Cabinet

Les deux délégations réunies autour du Ministre d'Etat Pierre Dartout à l'occasion d'un déjeuner offert en sa Résidence ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

The two delegations gathered around Minister of State Pierre Dartout for a lunch at his Residence ©Direction de la Communication - Manuel Vitali

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