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J-Med: the winners of the 2024 edition chosen

The J-MED call for projects run by the European Institute for Cooperation and Development and the team from the Méditerranée Nouvelle Chance network, is delighted to announce that 16 proposals have been selected for funding representing a total of 240,000 Euros. Projects from 5 countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania and Lebanon) put forward by 35 civil society organisations (CSO) from the two sides of the Mediterranean will be launched on 1st March 2024.

Supported by the Monegasque Cooperation, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Fondation de France, J-MED is a ground-breaking, effective initiative to localise increased aid from Monaco and France for the benefit of Mediterranean youth and support the emergence of a new generation of Mediterranean CSOs.

In addition to funding, up to €15,000 per project, J-MED also offers an opening to a community of stakeholders involved in supporting youth on both shores, an interface between organisations with the sharing of experiences, as well as project cycle and management training courses offered to all the winners.

The aim of this initiative is to support projects run by CSOs from the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean, in partnership with CSOs from countries in the Mediterranean region. Education, vocational training, the socio-economic integration of young women, social and solidarity-based entrepreneurship, as well as sport, are the areas of focus of this call for projects.

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