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LIFSA 2023 : Call for projects launched today

The Department of International Cooperation of the Government of Monaco and the Alliance Française of Johannesburg are launching today the second call for proposals of the "Local Initiatives Fund – South Africa" (LIFSA). This initiative aims to support civil society initiatives in the Johannesburg area in South Africa.

The LIFSA Fund is committed to fostering local initiatives aimed at enhancing the living conditions of children under the age of six, youth, and women residing in the townships of Johannesburg and its surroundings.

This new call for proposals follows the success of the first edition in 2022, when 21 projects were supported by various partners, including the Government of the Principality of Monaco, the Alliance Française de Johannesburg, the NGO ILLIS, the Swiss Embassy in South Africa and the French Embassy in South Africa.

South African civil society organizations (CSOs) are invited to submit project proposals in the fields of education and vocational training, child protection, entrepreneurship, food security, health, culture and sport. Successful applicants will receive a grant of up to 160.000 Rand (8.000€).

This call for projects is open from September 18, 2023, and will close on October 22, 2023, at midnight.

For more information on the application procedures and regulations, please visit https://www.lifsa.org .


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