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Monaco takes part in the Commission on the Status of Women, focused this year on the subject of poverty

Monaco participated in the 68th Commission on the Status of Women of the United Nations, held from 11 to 22 March 2024 in New York on the priority theme of poverty.

ONU - Commission sur la condition de la femme sur le thème de la pauvreté © DR

Mrs Alyson Calem-Sangiorgio, Second Secretary to Monaco’s Permanent Representation to the United Nations, spoke about the new legislation signed into law by H.S.H. Prince Albert II for the compensation of victims of violence and for paid maternity leave for self-employed workers. She also highlighted campaigns led by the Women’s Rights Committee and the collective efforts of the Monegasque community in favour of women’s rights. She spoke about Department of International Cooperation programmes for the empowerment of women in Africa and the support provided by Monaco for the UN Women “Sports for Generation Equality” initiative.

H.E. Ms. Isabelle Picco, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Monaco, also participated in the event “Multistakeholder partnerships and practices to push forward for gender equality, human rights and democracy” with H.E. Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garces, former President of the UN General Assembly and Ms. Samira Asghari, member of the International Olympic Committee and captain of Afghanistan’s Women’s basketball team. She took the opportunity to stress the power that sports have to promote gender equality and the importance of partnerships in the implementation of public policy and concrete measures on the ground.

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