Sainte Marie: on track to eliminate malaria

Published on 3 February 2023 at 15:47 - Modified the 18 July 2023 at 17:11

Madagascar – Within the framework of reviewing the Malaria Programme and drawing up a new National Strategic Plan to combat Malaria PSN 2023 – 2027, the District of Sainte Marie was classified in 2021 as being on the path to malaria elimination with an incidence of 0.89‰.

Paludisme Sainte-Marie

© JM Bernard / Realis / DCI

This is the result of the efforts made by all the players and stakeholders involved under the leadership of the Madagascan Ministry of Public Health, as well as the consecutive projects funded by the Principality of Monaco in Sainte Marie since 2004 in order to strengthen the healthcare system in general and combat malaria in particular.

This result is all the more remarkable insofar as the global trend is a resurgence of malaria in the country, which shows that efforts need to be continued in order to consolidate the progress made and move towards elimination.

View the project to strengthen healthcare in Sainte Marie and to implement Universal Healthcare here.