IHEDD - FERDI: Registration for health training is open

Published on 10 February 2023 at 09:35 - Modified the 18 July 2023 at 18:14

In partnership with the Monegasque Cooperation, IHEDD – Ferdi is launching a 2nd edition of training courses on the strengthening of health systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar.


These courses are geared primarily towards development stakeholders (public and private sectors) in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar who assume a position of responsibility in healthcare systems, whether this be at national, regional or district level. It is also open to participants from key sectors for health, including various ministries (finance, employment, social affairs, interior, land use planning).

With the theme “The strengthening of healthcare systems and policies to control transmissible and non-transmissible diseases”, the two main objectives of these courses are:

  • To understand the complex interactions between the building blocks of healthcare systems in relation to their socio-economic environment and to know how to identify areas of intervention in order to strengthen and improve resilience ;
  • To acquire the necessary analytical tools to be able to put forward recommendations that are technically feasible, socially acceptable and based on rigorous analyses incorporating the outcomes of research.

More information on the 6 courses available here. And to registrer, click here !