Initiatives Sahel announces winners of the 1st edition!

Published on 5 April 2024 at 17:30 - Modified the 12 July 2024 at 15:37

Initiatives Sahel is delighted to announce the 15 winners selected within the framework of its first call for projects to support innovative and sustainable initiatives conducted by associations in the Sahel region. These solidarity-based projects were selected among 250 applications for their potential to catalyse positive change and to strengthen local communities faced with current social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Lauréats 2024 Initiatives Sahel

Run by Bioforce and supported by the Monaco Government’s  Office of International Cooperation, Initiatives Sahel will fund the 15 winning projects representing a total of 400,000 Euros. All of the projects proposed by local associations in Burkina-Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal, will benefit from support ranging from 15,000 to 30,000 Euros.

The aim of Initiatives Sahel is to support local, pioneering initiatives in areas such as the empowerment of women and girls; child welfare; peace and social cohesion, fight against inequality; culture; education and vocational training; climate adaptation and environmental protection; and finally, entrepreneurship/employability.

The 15 winning projects selected from over 250 eligible applications showed a strong potential for impact in meeting the basic needs of local populations, as well as being able to mobilise resources effectively to reach their objectives.

In addition to financial support, Initiatives Sahel is also committed to strengthening a community of local players through the sharing of good practice and support thanks to project management training provided by Bioforce.

The list of winning projects is available here.