Monegasque Cooperation on a mission in Madagascar
Published on 18 December 2018 at 09:02 - Modified the 2 August 2024 at 03:01
From 22 November to 4 December 2018, Monegasque Cooperation travelled to Madagascar for a monitoring and evaluation mission focusing on projects supported by the Government of Monaco.

Réunion de travail pour la mise en oeuvre du 3ème Plan National d’Action pour la Nutrition.
The highlights of this field mission included the launch of the Quality of Child Protection in Madagascar Project [Qualité de l’accueil en protection de l’enfance à Madagascar, QUAPEM], in collaboration with the Ministry of Population, Social Protection and the Promotion of Women in Madagascar and the NGO SOS Villages d’Enfants France, aiming to reinforce 40 centres devoted to children without family support.
Monaco’s Office of International Cooperation also visited the paediatric service at Fianarantsoa Teaching Hospital, where it funds rehabilitation, and also that of the local French Alliances where they delivered self-service tablets, which, combined with the Koombook digital library system, allow access to educational and cultural digital resources.
Finally, a working meeting was held with the National Nutrition Office [Office National de la Nutrition, ONN], GRET, Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders [Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières, AVSF], Action Against Hunger [Action Contre la Faim, ACF], and the World Food Programme [WFP] within the context of establishing a pilot project to help implement the 3rd National Nutrition Action Plan.
Monaco's Office of International Development supports projects in Madagascar related to the fields of health, socio-economic integration, education and food security. For more information: