Senegal: opening of the Jean-Alfred Diallo Area at CHOM in Dakar
Published on 4 December 2020 at 11:23 - Modified the 2 August 2024 at 03:02
The Jean-Alfred Diallo Area at the Centre Hospitalier de l’Ordre de Malte (CHOM) (Order of Malta Hospital) in Dakar (Senegal), managed by the Order of Malta France, was officially opened on Tuesday 1st December. This extension to the building was supported in part by the Government of Monaco.

The opening ceremony was held in the presence of the Senegalese Minister of Health and Social Welfare, the French Ambassador, the Consul of Monaco in Senegal and the President of the Order of Malta France.
Initiated in September 2018 with the studies required to conduct the work, the project involved construction work as of May 2019, followed by the design and fitting out of the new hospital wing in 2020 with a view to redeploying the physiotherapy/functional rehabilitation, radiology and development units of the CHOM training centre.
This extension will enhance the care provided to the disabled by facilitating access to the medical imaging and functional rehabilitation units, the quality of patient care and the level of internal and external training.
A further 1,000 patients a year should be able to benefit from physiotherapy sessions starting in 2021, and thanks to the extension and accessibility of the new premises, 12,000 more medical images will be able to be carried out.