United Nations – Monaco contributes to work of Third Committee on issues relating to the advancement of women and children’s rights

Published on 26 October 2022 at 09:56 - Modified the 13 December 2024 at 02:00

On 6 October 2022, Alyson Calem-Sangiorgio, Third Secretary at Monaco’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, spoke at the session of the Committee on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues, which addresses the rights of vulnerable groups.

ONU - 3ème Commission

After reiterating the importance that Monaco attaches to protecting women’s rights, and especially to efforts to prevent violence against women, Ms Calem-Sangiorgio noted the actions that the Prince’s Government is taking to combat sexual abuse, domestic violence and cyber bullying. She also noted the recent study by Monaco Statistics on the gender pay gap in Monaco, before highlighting the campaign being led by the Women’s Rights Committee for equality in corporate governance.

Finally, she emphasised the need for all girls to have access to education, an issue which is a priority for Monaco’s Official Development Assistance, noting in particular the situation of young women in Afghanistan.

Ms Calem-Sangiorgio spoke again on 10 October 2022, as part of the work of the same committee, when she addressed children’s rights. She discussed the specific case of children in armed conflicts, using as an example AMADE’s Capoeira for Peace programme, which aims to demobilise and reintegrate children involved with armed forces and groups.

She reiterated the importance of education as a basis for peace, human rights and the future world of work, highlighting the example of the Digital Secondary School initiative in Monaco, which supports inclusion and trains young people in the use of new technologies.

Finally, she noted the right of children to be recognised and granted civil status from birth, as well as their right to be involved in decision-making, as important players in advancing solutions to the climate crisis.