Projects in progress
Education and child protection
Edu-Care 2425 - Améliorer la qualité des services éducatifs proposés par le Centre Educatif Saint Thomas accueillant les enfants irakiens et syriens en dehors du système scolaire libanais formel
CCSL - Société de Bienfaisance Chaldéenne Libanaise
Pour un enseignement de qualité à l’école des Frères Saint Joseph
Les Amis du Liban
Accès à l'Éducation pour les enfants et les jeunes réfugiés syriens au Liban
Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR)
Lutter contre l'exclusion dans la banlieue Sud de Beyrouth
AMEL / Samusocial International
Chaire « Sociétés civiles, transitions urbaines et territoriales en Méditerranée »
Université d'Aix-Marseille
Access to decent work
FLOURISH (Fostering Local Opportunities, Urban and Rural Initiatives for Sustainable Horizons) : Favoriser les opportunités locales et les initiatives urbaines et rurales pour des horizons durables
Semeurs d’Avenir - l'Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement
Hope Center Liban (HCL)
Œuvre d'Orient
Le Tremplin Méditerranéen (Réseau MedNC – phase 2)
IECD - Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement
Croissance économique durable et inclusive au Liban par le développement des Micro, Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (MPME) et la promotion du plein emploi décent et qualifié
ICU – Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria
total funding

4 July 2019
Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Monaco visits Burj Barajneh Refugee Camp as Monaco increases funding to the Agency
The Director-General of the Monegasque Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Ms. Isabelle Rosabrunetto visited Burj Barajneh Camp in Beirut, Lebanon accompanied by the Deputy Director of UNRWA Affairs in Lebanon, Ms. Daniela Leinen. The Government of Monaco increased its contribution to UNRWA in 2019, granting an additional EUR 100,000 to the current partnership. This contribution will support the MHF in Lebanon and will target beneficiaries distributed in all areas across Lebanon.

28 June 2019
Monaco–Lebanon: bonds of friendship strengthened
A Monegasque delegation,* led by Isabella Rosabrunetto, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, visited Lebanon from 18 to 22 June 2019 to discuss the partnerships supported by Monaco’s Official Development Assistance in the fields of health, education and socio-economic inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.

17 December 2018
Monaco supplies IT equipment for Lebanese Ministry of Public Health
On Monday 10 December, an official handover of IT equipment for the Primary Health Care Department and the 185 primary health care centres around the country was organised at the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health. The aim of this initiative is to help improve universal health coverage.

16 April 2018
Gilles Tonelli pays working visit to Lebanon
From 9 to 13 April 2018, a Monegasque delegation* led by Gilles Tonelli, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, paid a working visit to Lebanon in order to strengthen friendly ties and cooperation between the two nations.

21 November 2016